How to enable root login on Kali Linux

2 min readMay 7, 2021

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • How to enable root login on Kali Linux
Logged into the root account in GUI on Kali Linux

Open a terminal and follow the steps below to enable root login in your GUI.

Step:1 First, use the apt package manager to install the kali-root-login package.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install kali-root-login
Install the kali-root-login package with apt command

Step:2 Next, you need to set the root password with the passwd command. Even just setting it to the current password of your user account is fine, but this command must be run.

$ sudo passwd
[Enter password twice]

Step:3 Now you can return to the login screen by switching users, logging out, or restarting the system.

Switch user or log out of your current session to access root account

Step:4 Login with the root user account and the password you just set in the previous steps.

That’s all there is to it. You can now log in to the GUI as root, and of course your normal user account if you want.

